Race the River: Goliad Race
Sat, Sep 09
|Goliad Paddling Trail Riverdale Access
Part of the San Antonio River Basin Paddling Race Series

Time & Location
Sep 09, 2023, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Goliad Paddling Trail Riverdale Access , 1958-5802 US-59, Goliad, TX 77963, USA
About the event
Race the River: Goliad
- Start Line: Goliad Paddling Trail- Riverdale Access Point (N Riverdale Ln, Goliad, TX 77963)
- Mid-race Checkpoint: HW 59 Crossing
- Finish Line & Awards: Branch River Park (445 S Commercial St, Goliad, TX 77963)
- Saturday, September 9th, 2023
- Racer Check-in: 8:30am at Riverdale Access Point
- Race Start: 10am
- Total distance: 18 Miles
- Starting at Riverdale Access, racers will sprint by paddle for 18 miles to finish at Branch River Park.
- This race will contain only "PRO" classes of racer and is not recommended for beginner kayakers or those with limited experience. Review the criteria below to understand qualifications for this race.
- Lunch will be provided for all participants and an awards ceremony with prizes for the top three finishers in each category will be held immediately following the race.
Pro Category
If you participated in a River Authority race in 2022, joined us in March or May for a Race the River event, or competed with TCKRA in other paddling races, you are encouraged to register for this event! If you do not meet these criteria but believe yourself capable, we highly recommend practicing the course without race conditions to understand the challenges, before registering.
Amateur Category
There is NOT an Amateur Category for this race. Due to the elevated challenge and limited support available during the race, novice or beginner paddlers are not recommended. Race staff will not allow you to compete if it is determined you lack the skill or experience to safely complete the race. Keep an eye out later this year for more opportunities to Race the River as an amateur.
Race Classes The Pro Category will be split into 3 classes:- Men’s Unlimited: Single male racer. No restrictions on watercraft other than those specified below.
- Women’s Unlimited: Single female racer. No restrictions on watercraft other than those specified below.
- Tandem: Two racers (male or female). Both participants must travel together in the same craft for the entirety of the race. No restrictions on watercraft other than those specified below.
An awards ceremony with prizes for the top three finishers in each category will be held following the race. Every paddler that finishes the race will earn a commemorative item for completing the challenge.
Watercraft SpecificationsEach participant is required to source their own watercraft for competition. Canoes or kayaks will not be provided by race organizers on the day of the event.
- This event is designated as a canoe/kayak race, however, each class is "unlimited" in regard to the craft a paddler brings to race
- There are no specified measurements competitors must abide by regarding watercraft shape, size, weight, etc.
- Each craft should be human powered and not interfere with other racers in an unfair way
- Gas or battery powered motors will not be permitted and if used will result in disqualification
- Race organizers retain the right to disqualify a craft that is deemed unsafe to participants, or outside the spirit of competition, at any time
- Inflatable boats of any kind are not permitted
- Please contact race organizers if you have questions or if you want to verify that a craft qualifies for this race
Please read carefully through the following information. By registering for this event each racer understands and accepts the rules and information below:
- Timing: This is not a timed race, however, there is a cutoff point along the route. All racers must reach the mid race checkpoint at HW 59 no later than 12pm noon to continue on to the finish line. Late arrival will be directed to exit the river.
- Custom Race Bibs: To guarantee a custom race bib with your boat name and number, registration must be completed by 5:00 PM on September 01, 2023. Participants who register after the designated cutoff will be assigned a number and given a generic bib at check-in.
At the start of the race, each participant MUST wear, as recommended by the manufacturer, a properly sized, Coast Guard approved, Personal Floatation Device (PFD) of Type, I, II, III, or V and in good serviceable condition. Participants without a PFD will not be permitted to compete.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS- All participants enter this race of the Race the River Paddling Race Series at their own risk. The San Antonio River Authority, its officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, licensees, successors, and assigns, as well as associated with the San Antonio River Foundation and any other race judges, officials, and sponsors, will be released and held harmless from and for any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever and will not be liable for accidents to personnel or damage to any property or equipment.
- All participants must register online and must check-in and sign a participation waiver before the start of each race. A parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver for participants under 18.
- The minimum age for solo participants is 16 years of age. For tandem teams, the minimum is 10 years of age or older, and at least one of the two participants on a tandem team must be at least 18 years of age.
- You will receive an email from the River Authority confirming your online registration. River Authority will provide all necessary information to participants through email after online registration is completed.
- A $25 registration fee per person per race is required. The registration fees will be a donation to the San Antonio River Foundation, which is the nonprofit organization associated with the River Authority.
- Entry fees are final and there are no refunds or deferments.
- In the event this race is postponed by the San Antonio River Authority:
- Postponement dates will be published as soon as feasible.
- Postponements will not result in refunds or deferments
- During online registration, participants can pick a custom boat number. Please provide three options, in order of preference. Boat numbers are up to four numerals long without leading zeros. If all preferred choices are selected or you registered after the custom bib deadline of May 14th, a number will be assigned at random.
- It is the responsibility of participants to affix the assigned boat number to each side of the bow of their boat. If a participant chooses to use their own numbers, the numbers must be at least 4" in height and be made of reflective material of a contrasting color from the boat. Boat numbers will be checked prior to the start of each race. If a boat finishes the race without numbers, the racer may be disqualified.
- All race day information, including location, check-in details, race start time, and other pertinent information will be emailed to participants prior to the race.
- It is not the responsibility of River Authority race officials to determine whether a race participant is able to safely continue, or pull out of the race, due to health or other related issues. It is the sole responsibility of each race participant to make the determination to inform race officials if and when a solo participant or tandem team has a serious medical condition, if their location on the river is in doubt, or if their craft is damaged and unable to safely continue. Once contacted, race officials will determine if it is necessary to initiate a rescue effort. If any participant, at any time, feels that an emergency requires a rescue effort, he/she should immediately contact 911.
- Relays in any form are prohibited.
- All supplies, equipment, and items of repair must be in the possession of each solo participant or tandem team at the start of the race.
- Solo participants and/or tandem teams may not receive help or assistance of any kind during any of the races associated with the San Antonio River Basin Race Series, except for the following:
Support crews may provide the participants food, ice, drink, or medical materials only at the designated checkpoints. Only re-usable mesh bags may be used to provide the participants food, ice, drink, or medical materials. Food Items may be individually waterproofed in seal-a-meal type bag or zip-lock bag;
- Intentional interference with the progress of another participant during the race will be grounds for disqualification.
- The use of pace boats (i.e., crafts that are paddled or powered that follow or lead participants for the purpose of providing any type of support, including wake riding, drafting, or accompanying participants to “keep them up”) is not permitted and may result in disqualification.
- Deliberate littering of the river is grounds for disqualification. Participants should keep their trash in their craft and hand it over to persons at designated checkpoints and/or at the completion of the race.
- Participants may be subject to spot checks at any time by race officials and failure to follow the rules as outlined in the terms and conditions section may result in disqualification.
- Formal protests made by any participant must be submitted to the River Authority by no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday immediately following the race.
- In formulating the rules that govern the San Antonio River Basin Race Series, every effort has been made to foresee all situations and problems that might arise; however, officials of the San Antonio River Authority retain the right to change or amend these rules at any time without liability or recourse from any party regardless of the circumstances. Should such changes or amendments be made, all entrants will receive notification of same.
Having read and agreed to the above terms and conditions, please continue with the registration process.