Town Lake Race Series
Sun, Feb 13
|Festival Beach Boat Ramp

Time & Location
Feb 13, 2022, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Festival Beach Boat Ramp, Nash Hernandez Senior Rd, Austin, TX 78702, USA
About the event
Town Lake Race Series Schedule The Town Lake race series will once again be a handicapped series, 10km each race with different routes, though there will be a different class emphasis on particular dates.
Hosted by John Baltzell
The Town Lake race series is on again for 2022 in January/February (see dates below). Again, this is a handicapped series, and each weekend will offer a different 10 km route. Each weekend will feature a different hull; however, all hulls/classes are welcome to race. As a reminder, registration begins at 9 a.m. and the first class (race) will begin promptly at 10 a.m. The course start and finish is located at the Festival Beach Boat Ramp on the east side of I-35. Hull numbers provided and there is no entry fee.!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4...
Feb. 13 *Tandem unlimited/K2/ C2
Feb. 20 *Adult/Child Start at 9:00am, 10:00am Reg. Handicaps, Post race potluck.
Town Lake Handicaps (10km)
*Female SUP/Rec. Solo (anything plastic) 10:00am
*Rec. Tandem/Aluminum (First time paddler's) 10:02am
*Female C-1/OC1 10:04am
*Female Solo Unlimited (Safari style hull)/Male SUP14’ 10:06am
*Female C-2/Female V8 Pro 10:08am
*Male C-1/Pro Aluminum 10:09am
*Male OC1/Fast Sea Kayak/PRS Ski 10:10am
*New to C2 Male 10:11am
*Female K1 (ICF)/Mixed C2 10:12am
*Male Solo Unlimited (Safari Style Hull) 10:16am
*Male V8 Pro 10:18am
*OC-2/Tandem Unlimited/Fast Male C2 10:19am
*Male Surfski 10:20am
*Male K1 (ICF) 10:21am
*K2 (ICF) / Multi-man (Safari Style Hull 3-6 man) 10:22am
See you on the Water